Find buyers outside India

Anarup Patel
Asked on February 11, 2016
I am a seller of gemstones. I have my own shop. How can I find buyers outside my country to export my products. How can I do this? How can I look for buyers myself, not just sit and wait?

    All replies 3

  • Erno Hauer
    Answered on March 01, 2017
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    Register on Export Portal and begin selling your products all over the world. Find more business partners by B2B option, on the worldwide level.

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  • Kate Shapord
    Answered on November 16, 2016
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    The best solution is to displace your products here. In such a way, the customers are going to find you by themselves, looking for the gemstones they need. Another solution is to contact potential buyers independently. Unfortunately, this process requires a lot of time and spend of money. Of course, it is useless to sit and wait till your export business is going to growth by itself. Join different social pages and make your gemstones visible.

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  • Neil Careman
    Answered on February 19, 2016
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    Regarding you don not want just to sit and wait - from accessing the DIRECTORY link from the home page ( to both chat and contact companies there from countries around the world, you can also Feature your product to distinct from others to catch attention. Let your business shine.

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