
Company events

Previous sections: Seller's companyCertified Seller's / Manufacturer's companyCompany postsCompany events

The seller can administrate the events of his/her company on the "Events" page of the dashboard menu: 

The page consists of three columns:

  1. Events statuses list:
    1. New – coming soon events;
    2. Sold – if all tickets have been booked the event is marked as sold;
    3. Processing;
    4. Finished.
  2. Events list – filtered by specific status;
  3. Event details block.

To add an event, use "Add event" button: 

and fill in the form:

The list of events can be seen in the second column. There are several options available for every event:

  1. Set event inactive;
  2. Change the number of tickets;
  3. Edit event;
  4. Delete event.