
Baby food

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Babies need a healthy start and it is important to choose natural baby food, rich in nutrients and vitamins. Export Portal is the right place to sell and buy baby food from the best manufacturers.

On Export Portal shop for first-stage, second-stage, and third-stage baby food, as well as toddler's food.

First - stage food is intended for babies who just start eating solid food. Food for this stage is made from a single ingredient, usually pureed. Select from our wide assortment of fruit puree (bananas, peaches, pears, and prunes puree) and vegetable puree (carrots, green beans, squash, sweet potatoes puree).

Second-stage foods are for kids about 6 to 8 months old. At this stage food is more varied, as two or more ingredients are mixed to. On Export Portal choose from a combination of apples and chicken, chicken and rice, sweet potato and mango – buy two products in a single jar!

Third-stage food is for 7 to 9 months old children. This stage includes larger portions and blended vegetables and fruits.

Buy ready-to-heat meals for toddlers such as lasagna or vegetable combinations. Equally, shop for yogurts, baby cereals, shakes, powdered milk, juice. Select from a wide variety of quantities and packaging options.

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