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Export Portal provides the best features to buy a drum kit online and to sell drum kits worldwide.

Drums are one of the oldest and the most popular musical instruments. They were the first instrument created. Nowadays drums are widely used in all styles of music: jazz drums, rock drums, electric drums, etc.  The standard drum kit consists of eight elements - 5 drums and 3 plates, they are:

Bass Drum - is used for the main rhythm part and is played with the drum pedal.

Snare - is the drum right between the legs of the drummer. It is one of the main and one of the most used drum.

Tom - is a smaller but a wider drum, compared to the snare. Toms are often used to "develop" drum part and for drum solos.

Ride - is a large plate, which is used for main rhythm. Most popular rides are manufactured by Pearl, Tama and Zildjian.

Hi-hat - has been another main rhythm since the creation of drum plates. Best hi-hats are also manufactured by Zildjian, DW Drums and Mapex.

Crash - is the noisiest, but the most recognizable plate.

Join us right now and buy your drum kit online, or become a verified seller and sell drum kits all over the world with the help of Export Portal.