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Furniture takes up the majority of space and helps make your home feel lived in, welcoming and complete. When choosing furniture for your living and dining room, it is important to pick timeless, functional pieces that fit your space and budget! 

Sell furniture on Export Portal, create your B2B relationships whit people, who want to have strong partnerships, bid deals and constant profit.

Buy furniture on our web page, get the best directly from international manufacturers, avoiding thousands of retailers and extra payment. 

Our web page provides a large gamma of furniture dependently of its style and function. For example:

- exotic furniture (tatami, credenza, bamboo furniture, shōji, folding screen, clothes valets);

- outdoor furniture (stadium seats; park benches);

- glass furniture;

- plastic furniture.

Trade for the best furniture and home decoration goods on our secure and profitable web page. Export Portal is your internet source of all you need for making your business visible on international level. Join our eCommerce web site right now and benefit from a large number of products for a reasonable price. Build up strong and constant B2B relations and expand your business worldwide.