
Pest control chemicals

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Every insecticide has one or more chemicals that acts as the "active pest ingredient". This ingredient is the element in the insecticide solution that gives it its repelling or killing power. The active pest ingredient is always listed on the product label. 

Sell pest control chemicals on Export Portal, find trustworthy partners in different countries all over the world. Buy pest control chemicals on Export Portal, explore and access world-class products that can inspire.

Every pest control chemical has a different mode of action - the way that the insecticide kills or repels the target pest. For example, Deltamethrin affects by acting as a high-power poison to the insect's central nervous system. The pest control chemicals list includes the following substances: Abamectin, Cyfluthrin, Fipronil, Permethrin, Bifenthrin, Hydramethylnon, Pyrethrum, Boric Acid, Deltamethrin, IGR (Insect Growth Regulator).

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