
Collars and leashes

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A leash is a rope or similar material attached to the neck or head of an animal for restraint or control. Some leashes clip or tie to a collar, harness, or halter, while others go directly around the animal's neck. 

Sell pets collars and leashes on Export Portal, find partners in different countries all over the world. Buy pets collars and leashes directly from your home computer and facilitate your business affairs due to high-qualitative customer support. 

Different animals and different locations require using different collars and leashes and they can be easily found in our large catalog. Leather leashes generally last a long time and will not burn your hands if your animals pulls it in different directions. Synthetic leashes are the most popular ones as they are lightweight and easily washed. If your animal is big (ex. dog), metal or chain leashes will be perfect for it. Remember, extendable leashes give your animal freedom to run and walk outside.

Export Portal is the global market with the good possibility to open a personal store and make the brand visible on the international level. Sell and buy pets supplies on the safest internet portal. Find new clients all over the world, make your trade safe and secure.