
Frequently Asked Questions

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Important questions

What kind of agreement, written or otherwise, must a FF enter into when joining?

We have a specific agreement tailored to the freight forwarders joining our platform as well as an NDA we have all freight forwarders sign.


What if my company wants to stop working with Export Portal? Is there any penalty for cancelling the relationship?

No, there are no penalties to cancelling your account with Export Portal, aside from losing out on the many benefits our platforms offers its users.


If Export Portal gets a negative report about my company's interaction with a client, is there any investigation? Is there a possibility for appeal?

Yes, we have a case management process with an Export Portal administrator as a moderator to review each report.


What share of risk is there from an Accounts Payable standpoint with customers that you bring to us?

The payment for the freight forwarder is collected and confirmed prior to you picking up the product, and it is held in an escrow account until the product is delivered. Therefore, throughout the process, your payment is secured on our platform.


Does the FF have the right to end a shipment relationship/transaction if they so felt the need? (After the bid is accepted, but before the final contract is signed.)

Yes, through our moderation process, a shipment can be ended after it has been accepted.


What accountability and responsibility does Export Portal have on a shipment or sale?

Export Portal is a B2B marketplace that hosts products from our sellers and manufacturers and helps our buyers by creating purchase orders and contracts for them with ease through our integrated blockchain system. Our responsibility is to ensure that sellers and products hosted on our site are real and verified. It is the sellers', buyers', and freight forwarders' responsibilities to ensure that all sales being made are legal in the ports of origin and arrival, but Export Portal is here to assist our users with all steps along the way.


Does Export Portal take any responsibility for problems that may arise? (Is risk shared or fully on the FF?)

Through our moderation process, Export Portal investigates all issues that arise on our platform.


What are the responsibilities/involvement of the Buyer and Seller during shipments?

The freight forwarder and Export Portal set these responsibilities depending on the type of shipment and the types of freight involved.


Is insurance required on all shipments or optional?

It is optional, but strongly recommended. Additionally, our freight forwarding partners can monetize on this.


Does Export Portal offer any help with customs seizure or penalty fees for transactions created through the platform?

This is a sole responsibility of transacting parties.



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Think local Sell global

Think local Sell global
"We are a team of professionals & global market enthusiasts who love helping companies grow their businesses internationally."
Ally Spinu, CEO & Founder